FRC Tension Test
A number of research projects have been completed and this section of
the website provides descriptions as well as the main
conclusions.Theoretical and experimental research has been fundamental
to the success of FRC.
Research has been completed for specific applications for a range
of organisations and some of it has been conducted under
confidentiality requirements and therefore cannot be disclosed in
detail. Nevertheless it is hoped the projects selected here will give
some indication of the variety of research that has been completed
thus far.
Organisations wishing to collaborate using fibre reinforced concrete are
especially welcome to make contact. Opportunities to develop new
applications for fibre reinforced concrete are always being sought.
There is a wealth of practical experience and research to draw on when
contemplating new ideas.
Fibre suppliers and manufacturers have completed many studies and supported research
at universities for many years.
There is a large amount of information in addition to that shown on this website.
Approaches from universities to collaborate on fundamental research
are welcomed.
Key topics:
- Direct Tension and Fibre Pullout. This is of particular
interest, especially with respect to finding a link between
structural performance and energy absorption (or dissipation) as
there are numerous so-called "round panel" tests.
- Concrete Plasticity
- Fracture Mechanics
- Shear
- Bursting
- Torsion
- Pavement Testing
- 3D-structures
Refer to the links to explore some of these topics.
Important Note: There are no affiliations with any fibre
suppliers or manufacturers. Research projects have been funded by a
range of organisations (manufacturers and contractor-builders)
wishing to explore new structures. The type of fibre is generally
selected on performance and price.